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Grade Level: 3-4
Interest Level: N/A
Reading Level: N/A

Special proofreading marks are used to show what kind of mistakes are found. In a word should have a capital letter, put three lines under the letter. If a letter should be lowercased, put a slash mark through the capital letter. Give students first hand practice with looking for and correcting sentences and paragraphs that misuse capital letters and lowercase letters. The 10 activities in the unit include an answer key.

Chapter Slice: This chapter slice is a set of worksheets from Remedia’s Proofreading eBook. 

This is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader®, click here to get it for free.  

Proofreading for Capital Letters & Lowercase Letters (Chapter Slice)

  • Product Code: EREM R4043

  • Viewed: 758
  • Availability: In Stock


Grade Level: 3-4
Interest Level: N/A
Reading Level: N/A

Special proofreading marks are used to show what kind of mistakes are found. In a word should have a capital letter, put three lines under the letter. If a letter should be lowercased, put a slash mark through the capital letter. Give students first hand practice with looking for and correcting sentences and paragraphs that misuse capital letters and lowercase letters. The 10 activities in the unit include an answer key.

Chapter Slice: This chapter slice is a set of worksheets from Remedia’s Proofreading eBook. 

This is a whiteboard-ready PDF. You will need to have the current version of Acrobat Reader® installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader®, click here to get it for free.  

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