CCSS Level: 1-3
Interest Level: 4-12
Reading Level: 3
These short, thought-provoking paragraphs along with seven comprehension questions that require complete sentence answers are terrific for students who have trouble reading longer paragraphs. You'll be amazed by how much information can be found in such short paragraphs! 32 pages.
Comprehension Quickies (Reading Level 3)
- Product Code: REM 441
- Viewed: 31804
- Availability: In Stock
CCSS Level: 1-3
Interest Level: 4-12
Reading Level: 3
These short, thought-provoking paragraphs along with seven comprehension questions that require complete sentence answers are terrific for students who have trouble reading longer paragraphs. You'll be amazed by how much information can be found in such short paragraphs! 32 pages.