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Reading Medicine Labels | Life Skills | Literal Comprehension | Locating Information | Finding Facts | Functional Skills Practice | Special Education | Google Slides

Is this medicine right for what’s wrong with me? How much should I take? Our health and well-being can depend on answering these questions correctly. Being able to read and understand the information on a medicine label is a crucial life-skill. With 19 pages of realistic medicine label examples, students will get lots of practice in identifying key information for a variety of medicines. Colorful and engaging photos and graphics of familiar medicines are sure to capture a student’s interest.

Level 1 and 2 questions refer students back to the medicine labels to find critical information about what each medicine is used for, who should be taking the medicine, how much medicine should be taken, and how often. Comprehension skills include locating information and finding facts.

Medicine Labels Include:
• Allergy Tablets
• Acetaminophen
• Delsym Cough Syrup
• Bayer Aspirin
• Pepto Bismol
• Hydrogen Peroxide
• Anti-itch Medicine
• Mucinex
• Nasal Allergy Spray
• Bactine
• Ibuprofen
• NyQuil
• Bengay
• Vicks VapoRub
• Dry Mouth Oral Rinse
• Cortizone Creme
• Eye Drops
• Earache Drops
78 Total Google Slides
Plus Answer Keys for both Levels

Benefits of Google Slides:
If you've been looking for a way to integrate technology into your lessons, this is your answer. And the best part is you don't have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose's ALL DIGITAL!

How do Google Slides Work?
Students read each high-interest slide on a computer or iPad then answer the skill questions right on their copy of the slides. Teachers can see students' answers in real time, or review them later. Slides can also be printed and used as colorful classroom worksheets.

Your students will love these engaging DIGITAL Google Slides math lessons! They're perfect for students of all ages as daily homework, skill practice, remediation, review, and distance learning.

Purchase of this Google Slides product will give you access to a pdf link page containing the answer key, introduction, and a pdf link that you click on to download your copy of these innovative Google Slides lessons.

READING MEDICINE LABELS Google Slides Set - Levels 1 & 2: Real-Life Skills

  • Product Code: EREM 2019HEGC

  • Viewed: 1703
  • Availability: In Stock


Reading Medicine Labels | Life Skills | Literal Comprehension | Locating Information | Finding Facts | Functional Skills Practice | Special Education | Google Slides

Is this medicine right for what’s wrong with me? How much should I take? Our health and well-being can depend on answering these questions correctly. Being able to read and understand the information on a medicine label is a crucial life-skill. With 19 pages of realistic medicine label examples, students will get lots of practice in identifying key information for a variety of medicines. Colorful and engaging photos and graphics of familiar medicines are sure to capture a student’s interest.

Level 1 and 2 questions refer students back to the medicine labels to find critical information about what each medicine is used for, who should be taking the medicine, how much medicine should be taken, and how often. Comprehension skills include locating information and finding facts.

Medicine Labels Include:
• Allergy Tablets
• Acetaminophen
• Delsym Cough Syrup
• Bayer Aspirin
• Pepto Bismol
• Hydrogen Peroxide
• Anti-itch Medicine
• Mucinex
• Nasal Allergy Spray
• Bactine
• Ibuprofen
• NyQuil
• Bengay
• Vicks VapoRub
• Dry Mouth Oral Rinse
• Cortizone Creme
• Eye Drops
• Earache Drops
78 Total Google Slides
Plus Answer Keys for both Levels

Benefits of Google Slides:
If you've been looking for a way to integrate technology into your lessons, this is your answer. And the best part is you don't have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose's ALL DIGITAL!

How do Google Slides Work?
Students read each high-interest slide on a computer or iPad then answer the skill questions right on their copy of the slides. Teachers can see students' answers in real time, or review them later. Slides can also be printed and used as colorful classroom worksheets.

Your students will love these engaging DIGITAL Google Slides math lessons! They're perfect for students of all ages as daily homework, skill practice, remediation, review, and distance learning.

Purchase of this Google Slides product will give you access to a pdf link page containing the answer key, introduction, and a pdf link that you click on to download your copy of these innovative Google Slides lessons.

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